Walking down on memory lane…
It’s been half a year since I now started to go back to school and finally started to work on my modules. It’s been a short but long journey. Now, currently I am now still working on my modules, mentally tired but physically fine. I’ve learned a lot things since I started, one is of course, the subject I am working on: I.C.T. learning how to make and post blogs is wonderful to say the least and surprisingly very helpful too. Learning all about HTML’s and all related to it is also fun to do and learn, but to be honest, it is a bit confusing and stressful because I’m a very slow learner and I need a lot of time and practice to get it right. Not only I.C.T but I also learn and discovered various things in different subjects.
It’d be an understatement if I would say that I didn’t have any problems and challenges that I encountered during this journey. There’s a lot but I would only name a few like time management. This was always a problem for me since I’m sometimes lazy to do my modules nut I do it anyway. And not having that much of free time for myself, I’m not saying there’s none, but I would be stressful if there is free time in between the subjects because instead of resting and doing my stuff, I instead think about what will be the contents for the next modules: will it be hard or can I do it?. I sometimes ask myself that.
Now, I addressed these challenges/problems by being positive and optimistic and thinking all bout the good things in life where things were normal. These kind of thoughts always give me motivation to do my work and sometimes looking forward to the future that will unfold.
Moving on, I will be more productive than ever before and I will work harder and try to be more motivational and inspirational to more peers around me so that they could also do the same.
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