A New Year in Progress


A lot of things happened this year and to be honest, 2020 wasn’t that great for many others. Some saw it as bad and some saw it as an opportunity of taking care of their physical and mental health, making them realize it was a chance at making themselves a better person.


 At the start of the year 2020, we all thought that the year was going to be pretty much just like the other years, but we thought wrong. A pandemic slowly started and later spread around the world as we know. It was tough but we survived and here we are again starting a new year: 2021.


 After having experienced last year, people are starting to have arguments and doubts on whether this year would be great or not. But in my opinion I think it would be great because considering what happened last year, it made us stronger and more resilient than ever, so whatever may happen this 2021 I hope that we can all live a happy life and enjoy it to the fullest.



  1. Hey Zia, I like your way of writing this essay. It is pithy. Besides, it is also eloquent.

  2. Good day! Your content is nice and I like it. I agree with what you've said that this year will be great because the things happened last year molded us to stronger and be ready in everything that might happen. Have a blissful year ahead!

  3. Great work and your positivity for this year is nice,i also think this year would be great aswell,stay safe and keep up the good work

  4. Hi Zia! I like your blog it is so nice. Hoping that this year is much better than last year. Good job and God bless.


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