Stay Strong! Philippines!

The COVID-19 pandemic that started early December of last year has now started to get more worse and worse as we strive to survive everyday. Because of this, a lot of normal things became “not normal” and instead became “the new normal”.


Like before, going to school and now in our current situation, having online classes and doing our modules at home. This is a big decision that our country had made for the sake of the future generations, our students to continue learning and be the best for our country. Our economy is slowly deteriorating and the government is also having problems of their own while the pandemic is taking place. As the citizens of our country, we should be tough and stay rational in everything that we do to not go out of control.


The whole world is also having the same kinds of problems that we have and they are trying their hardest to go through this tough time as more and more problems will continue to arise to hinder the growth and the progress of other countries. We should also do the same: staying strong.

Image of a stay safe, home, healthy COVID-19 poster. Events By EC King.


  1. Very Well Said,I Agree that Covid 19 Has Affected Our Lives And Changed The Way We Lived Aslong As We All Do Our Part And Stay Strong We Can Overcome This

  2. Exactly! As a Filipino, we must not let COVID 19 dominate us. Instead, we must help each other to win against this battle.

  3. Be safe, be strong. We'll fight this pandemic together and win this battle.

  4. Indeed. To be strong and rational is one of the simple things that we can contribute to our country.

  5. Agree, staying strong is what we can do now. Also pray for this is one of our weapon. Nice blog!

  6. I agree that what we can do is to remain strong but we should not also forget to pray and trust God. We fight us one. God bless.


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